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This project explores the process of trend forecasting and understanding how to identify patterns in order to establish future trend concepts and market opportunities.


The process of trend forecasting is the basis for developing ideas, product and strategy to meet future market changes, ensuring products and ideas are launched at the right time, and are also marketed to the appropriate consumer. Having the right aesthetic to suit the prevailing mood is paramount. This project is about the - zeitgeist - “the spirit of the times” understanding how to define an era, a time, the mood of a generation, that will be of significant influence in the future. 

The Emmersive Evolution explores the consequences of technological advancements being all consuming of humanity. Power and control struggles become overwhelming and this sees humanity gradually shy away from their natural selves, shy away from everything it is to be human, causing them to eventually create their own demise. The visualisation of the emmersive evolution is presented with a portrayal created for AW17 and the beginning of the trend encourages the start of this season. 


The rise translates the powerful and tenacious attitude of humanity. As we move on a focus eventualizes on the peak and within this performance wear as this portrays effectively the embodiment of man and machine. To finalize, the fall emerges, a representation of the detrition of man and all its failings. A very weathered, decayed essence forms to visualize the rustic, damaged state within the fall.

The use of silhouettes, styling details including print, texture and colour have been used to thoroughly visualise the trend. The ability to identify and utilise threads through elements of society such as; art, design, installation, film, retail, technology and economical, political, environmental factors to form a clear theme and subsequent trend was key to the overall creation of the project.

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